Reagan Presidency 25th Anniversary Tribute

January 20, 2006 was the 25th anniversary of the Presidency of Ronald Wilson Reagan 40th President of The United States. Following is the tribute posted during that week at The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth

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Location: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States

Two Reagan conservatives who believe that the left has it wrong and just doesn't get it!

"I've spoken of the shining city all my political life. And how stands the city on this winter night? After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true to the granite ridge, and her glow has held no matter what storm. And she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home." ******* "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." President Ronald Reagan
  • The Liberal Lie,The Conservative Truth Home Page

    Saturday, January 21, 2006


    As we approach the anniversary of the Reagan inauguration, I keep thinking back to my days in elementary school. At that time I became very aware of politics at a young age. I read and understood thing that most teenagers could care less about at the time. And I owe it all to one man, Ronald Reagan. After the Carter administration, America needed strong leadership. The kind of leadership that would stare in the face of evil and not back down. America had some foreign policy matters that had been left unsolved in Iran. We also faced the tyranny of USSR. Not to mention an economy that had been left in shambles. Everyone at the time new it would take a determined and strong leader to take us in to the 1980's. And Ronald Reagan was the man for the job. What I remember most about Reagan was his sense of humor. Even in the most dyer situations, he could always bring a smile to your face. To many of us in the 80's he served as a father figure. A man whom stood for what he believed in, and never backed down.As a child I needed to see someone like this. My childhood was not the happiest, but I always knew that we were safe, the economy was well off, and by knowing that I could sleep at night without worry. The biggest effect that Reagan had on my life, well that's hard to say. He stood for all the things I was taught in church and at home. He spoke like people in my hometown, (no big wig Washington talk) and when there was a big problem facing the country, He took it to the American public. Reagan represented the best America had to offer. He often said that America's best asset are it's citizens. You and me. I think that is something that the American people need to hear from politicians. It gives us hope for a better tomorrow. It give us the kind of confidence that helped to build our great nation.I don't know if we will ever see another Reagan. But we all always looking for one. Every Republican since him has been compared to him, or has invoked his name during campaigns. I always hear people on the street (during campaign season) refer to his name when speaking about this guy or that guy. The effect Reagan had on this nation was a once in a lifetime event. Not only did he change the face of the Republican party, he changed the face of a nation. And for that we will always be grateful.
    Thanks Ronnie.

    John Oliver Benton III


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